I created a safe place, a home, where we come to heal together. Finding my purpose through the darkest time of my life turning my pain into my strength. Now being able to create beautiful empowering services where we come together to laugh, cry, heal & learn to fall in love with life.

My sensitivity to the world around me is my super power. Understanding the excruciating pain to life, the wounds that have left scars. But now being able to create beauty from the scars that are left behind.

I create practices, workshops, flows etc.. that’s rooted from my personal experiences & everything that makes me Seraiah! From my sensitive soul, to the sensual essence I carry, to my childhood trauma, and right back to the core frequency of who I AM who we all are, LOVE.

Hello My Love,

I’m Seraiah A Ray~Of~Sunshine ☀️

This space is to explore the path to inner peace & emotional well being. Together, we navigate through life’s challenges with clarity, empowerment & freedom.

This is where we embrace self-love & healing from difficult life experiences. Rediscovering our strength & inner wisdom. The journey toward healing & self discovery starts within you.

Let your feelings guide you into what feels safe. You’re free to come as you are, in any emotion, you’re always WELCOME here !

I built this from my soul, my heart, my mission. A foundation that is created in genuine love, authenticity, acceptance, accountability, understanding & vulnerability.

The foundation to creating Heaven on Earth 🌹

Integrity is the quality of staying TRUE. Being honest with yourself & others. Having morals & staying consistent to your beliefs. Matching your words with your actions. Prioritizing doing RIGHT by yourself & your community. Standing tall in who you really are, being authentic, living in your TRUTH!

my beliefs

my beliefs

My values

My values

Courage is having the strength & capability to be BRAVE. Going after your dreams, staying TRUE to you, leaving what no longer serves you, owning your darkness takes COURAGE! Being open to truly getting to know yourself. Asking yourself the questions many are to afraid to actually know. I value Courage, to walk into the unknown, to live the life you want to live, to take the journey of self-discovery to LIVE with no regrets. Not living life on 100% guarantees but rather Choosing to have FAITH over Fear!

Freedom is a Gift, a Privilege, Freedom is something we often take for granted. But freedom is what I long for, to be free. Freedom to express myself through clothes, art, dance, speech etc.. The freedom to simply exist in peace without the restrictions & ideas that are placed upon us of who others think we should be. Releasing the stereotypes, programmed beliefs, limitations that are placed onto us to keep us in a box. I value freedom, to not be placed in a cage or categorized. To be individually unique in the freedom of my own individual self expression.

Exploration is to explore the depths of this world & everything that life has to offer. To know you have to go search, find, & explore the endless knowledge that is out there. To discover & enjoy the process along the way. Finding out what you like & what you don’t like. Exploring all parts of your mind, body & soul. Exploring the endless possibilities, timelines, & outcomes that are placed in front of us. Exploring the ideas, to try, to change, to start over. To explore The Human Experience.

  • Projector 1/3

  • ☉Taurus | ☾aries | ↑libra

  • My first time ever flying was across the world to Bali Indonesia

  • everything happens for a reason

i go


the wind

takes me

the real me

Founder Seraiah elaine

I am a women, with my own values, mind and perspective. I get up everyday with ambition and inspiration to be the BEST ME.

The years of programming, habits, and trauma that gets passed down doesn’t go away overnight. The first step to changing your life is always the hardiest but overtime you will find yourself again.

I am here to spread awareness and share my story. I lived it, I felt it, I understand, I remember and I see you ! This is MY “why” the reason I created this, it’s a home I always wished for to be seen and understood. Becoming into the person I’ve always needed.

As spiritual beings we are here to experience what this life is like, experience what it’s like falling in love but also having to experience what it’s like for your heart to break. Experience the feeling of being on top of the world but also experiencing the great fall.

I am at a point in my life where I just want to experience what it’s like to give back, to make someone happy and to spread unconditional love. To help, guide and heal in anyway I can and If I can change one persons life. If I can be a safe place for you, then that’s enough for me.

I want to provide an experience that transforms us from the inside out. Awakens our souls to a higher vibration. Creating a life more conscious and more meaningful.

A life that is filled with love and pure light ✨


  • Enrolled to get my PhD

  • Teaching at schools, shelters and homes

  • Leading my community outreaches and contributing to my hometown

Thank You for fighting when you wanted to give up. Thank You for the times you wiped your own tears. Thank You for all the nights you held yourself screaming from the inside out praying for a miracle. Thank You for providing for yourself. Thank You for cheering yourself on when no one was there to cheer you on. Thank You for picking yourself back up time & time again. Thank you for not giving up. THANK YOU for being your own Bestfriend, Parent, Sibling, Teacher, Family. Thank You for FIGHTING.

Thank You for SURVIVING so now you get to LIVE.


Your Existence Is Enough! Your Soul Family Is Waiting For You! Your Future NEEDS You! You Are Loved! You Are Strong! You Are Capable! You Are NOT Alone! You Can Do This! You Were Giving This Life Because You Are Strong Enough To Live It! You Shine! Your Beautiful! Your Smart! Your Amazing! You Can! You Will! You Must! You Can Keep Going! You Are Brave! Keep Going!


~Messages I Would Write To Myself ~ Passing Them Along To You~

“We have experienced the darkness of this world but also making our way to the light. Now, together we learn how to walk the in~between ”